音樂劇《美女與野獸》歌者/演員 《Beauty and the beast》Vocalists/Actors


現場徵選時間 Time:

2017 年 9月 21 日(周四) 下午01:00開始
Sep 21, 2017 01:00pm

應徵地點 Venue:

台灣 台北 Taipei, Taiwan
文山劇場六樓彩排廳 (台北市文山區景文街32號)
Wenshan Theatre , rehearsal studios 6F

截止報名 Registration deadline:

Sep 16, 2017 23:30pm


請注意,歌者/演員 不可以同時報名參加舞者的甄選,請根據自己的專業特長,僅選擇一種甄選類型報名。如果同時報名參加兩種類型的甄選,有可能不會被邀請來參加任一類型的甄選。





網路海選流程 Pre-screening

  1. Join us 加入迪士尼精英  (已註冊者可跳過此項)
  2. 於此頁面下方「發送報名 SEND」報名網路徵選
  3. 錄製歌唱影片上傳至雲端空間,並設定權限為「公開」(每首歌不超過60秒)
  4. 點選連結 http://audition.truefantasy.tw/wp-admin/profile.php
  5. 將網址填寫於「錄製歌曲雲端網址」欄位並儲存
  6. 靜候結果



Audition Requirements:

Male and female vocalists/actors who can move well, and have strong vocal background and acting ability. Must be above 18-year-old and speak/read fluent Mandarin.

Many of the roles in this production require strong triple threat performers. Performers should only register for one audition type, that which will demonstrate their strongest skill (dance or vocals). Anyone who registers for both auditions risks invalidating both registrations.

Audition Preparation:

Requirements for the songs:

Prepare songs of your choice from legit musical theatre repertoire; songs from classic/legit Broadway musical (parts of verse to chorus). Please prepare the song in Chinese. The song must be suitable to your voice, vocal range, and resonate with you in terms of telling the story.

For female singers: One song should demonstrate your belt/chest voice, and the other your head/lyrical voice.
Pop songs or pop singing style are not suitable for this audition.

Audition Invitation Eligibility

We will do pre-screening according to your online registration. If you have successfully passed, we will send you the audition invitation. If not, we are sorry to tell you that we will not invite to the audition and an email will be sent to you.


此活動已截止報名 Booking for this event has closed.