- 必須 年滿十八歲及願意移居北京工作
- 需要擁有樂團的演奏經驗及需具備較強的讀譜識譜的能力,並可以依照樂團指揮的指令進行表演。
- 演出多數情況會在戶外, 有較好的互動和表演力為佳
- 樂手類型及要求:鋼琴、鍵盤、電音小提琴、薩克斯風、小號、長號或其他管弦樂樂器
- 請先進入 加入全球精英徵選 線上填寫人才資料表,登入註冊。
- 記得將可以展現您專長的影片、資料以雲端連結的方式附於註冊資料表中。
- 註冊完成,登入後進入此頁面,在下方填寫您欲報名項目(樂器種類),以及您目前的身高體重。
- 按下「發送你的報名」報名甄選。
- 環球度假區的工作人員將會主動聯繫您進行線上面試。
如果有報名上的疑問,請來信環球徵選小組 [email protected]或於粉絲頁詢問
Universal Studios Resort Elite Auditions1 If you have a background in the following musical instruments or related professional performance, and you excel in performing, please use your rich expressiveness and musical talent to bring an exciting audiovisual feast to the audience.
Audition Requirements:
- Must be at least eighteen years old and willing to relocate to Beijing for work.
- Percussionists should have experience playing in orchestras and possess strong sheet music reading abilities. They should be able to perform according to the conductor’s instructions.
- Since most performances will take place outdoors, strong interaction and stage presence are preferable.
Types of Musicians and Requirements:
- Piano, Keyboard
- Electric Violin
- Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- or other brass and string instruments
Audition Details: November 12, 2023, at 09:00
Audition Venue:
Taipei Youth Development Center (No. 17, Section 1, Ren’ai Road, Taipei City) Detailed location information will be provided after registration.
Audition Process:
- Start by visiting the ‘Join the Global Elite Auditions’ page and fill out the talent information form online after registering.
- Remember to include videos and documentation that showcase your expertise by providing cloud-based links within the registration form.
- Once registered, log in to this page and specify your desired audition category (instrument type) and your current height and weight.
- Click ‘Submit your application’ to register for the audition.
- The staff at Universal Studios Resort will contact you for an online interview.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email the Auditions Team at [email protected] or inquire on our fan page.
報名 Bookings
樂師徵選請在此填寫報名之樂器Musician Recruitment: Please fill in the instrument you are applying for
此活動已截止報名 Booking for this event has closed.